Setting up another job can be a lot of pressure. It is necessary to be well prepared for your new job early in advance so you can put your best foot forward. Follow these steps to assist you in getting ready for your first day in a new position.
1. Plan out your way.
- Avoid getting lost on the way to your first day at a new job by understanding the best way to get there. Practice driving there a couple of times at the same time you're going to be heading to work so you can time out the drive and plan in advance for any potential traffic issues;
- Find an alternate way. You need to know more than one strategy to get to your new job in case you find yourself caught in traffic or coming across an unforeseen hangup. Search on the internet maps before you get away from the house to find out several ways you can easily try to arrive at your new job.
2. Lay out your dresses the night before.
- For work you should dress appropriately. Seek out your company/office's dress code or try to visualize what design and style the staff was dressed in when you had your job interview. Usually, it's best to dress officially or not too casual (too casual means baggy pants and flip flops);
- Understanding what you are currently planning to wear to the first day at your new job will possibly be one less thing for you to be worried about on the big day. Preparing in advance will also allow you the time to try on multiple costumes so that you can find the best one. Be sure to have your outfit hung up somewhere safe to avoid pet hair or wrinkles before you get away from the house. Place the shoes you want to wear where you can easily find them. Make sure they are clean and polished;
- Ideally, you should wake up an hour to hour and about half earlier than the time you should go out of the house. Remember to have the average time you have to commute or drive to your work in mind. You don't want to be late.
3. Prepare your bag. You need to have your purse/briefcase ready. Some specific items you have to be sure you have. Among these items:
- Pads/tampons, for women. You don't want to be captured off guard at work;
- A tiny bottle of water. For sure there is cooler or water container where you work especially if you work in an office. But you may feel thirsty on your way to work or at least you won't have to go to the cooler any time you get thirsty. Just fill your bottle and have it next to you on your workplace;
- A small bag of makeup or cleanliness products, if desired. Just pack what you may need for a fast solution during the day along with some hygiene products like a deodorant, hand cleaner, perfume, toothpaste and toothbrush;
- Your wallet with your ID, driver's licence, credit cards and some cash for emergencies;
- Your mobile phone with its charger for the-just-in-case situation where your battery dies in the middle of the day and you need your phone, and your USB stick;
- A pen and a small note book. If you happen to have to write something down or take notes for a meeting. Plus it's not nice if you are planning to work without even a pen;
- Gum/breath mints. To refreshen you and keep your breath fresh.
4. Take something non-perishable for lunch.
You want to be able to be flexible at lunch break on your first day. It is difficult to know if someone will plan a noon-time meal outing for your first day. You will be able to save a lunch for a later date that is non-perishable as opposed to a turkey sandwich or salad. This way, too, your new fellow workers won't feel bad if you need to leave your packed meal behind.
5. Make sure you have change for the vending machines. If there is a refrigerator in the break room, bringing your own soft drinks will save money.
6. Before helping yourself to coffee and/or danish, find out what the policy is. Does everyone contribute a set amount each month, or is it pay-as-you-go?
7. Put together a kit to maintain in your desk that includes over-the-counter medication for headaches and digestive problems, as well as band aids. Ladies, don't forget individual hygiene items.
8. Keep your schedule open on the first day.
- While you get used to the ropes at your new job it is a good idea to not plan anything for in the evening on your first day. You want to be accessible in the event you are inspired to stay late or are invited to a happy hour.
9. Turn your mobile phone off or keep it on vibrate.
10. Leave yourself plenty of time. Fill your car's gas tank the day before rather than stopping on the way.
Even though you have practiced the route to your new job several times, you never truly know what you are going to find on your way to work on any given day. Tack on a few extra minutes to the anticipated drive time so you aren't stressed out about getting to work on time and can focus on doing your best on your first day.
11. Have someone you can call to provide you with a ride should your car not start. If you live on a city bus route, familiarize yourself with the schedule. Check if the bus stops at or near your workplace.
12. If you do find you are going to be a few minutes late because of a completely urgent situation, be sure to call and let them know. Don't believe that a few minutes won't matter. Add some main number of your new workplace to your cell phone's address book ahead of time. You can add other numbers as you learn them.
Now you are certainly ready for your first day in a new job. Have no job? Don`t feel bad, we have such for you!