The job market isn’t what it used to be. With limited job opportunities, qualified and talented individuals simply can’t find work in their own countries. Catch your chance and start international job hunting now!
Working and living abroad is not only a viable option, but there are hidden benefits such as paying fewer taxes, learning a new culture and language, and building your resume.
1. Define Your Goals
Before beginning your international job search, write down your goals to keep your job search on track.
Ask yourself:
• How long am I planning on working?
• Am I open to all options or certain jobs / locations?
• In what country do you want to move?
• At what company you’d like to work?
• How will the experience contribute to my professional, personal and/or academic goals?
• What type position am I looking for (e.g. permanent/full-time position, a volunteer experience or short-term employment)?
Answering these questions will help you identify exactly what you’re looking for in your job search.
2. Update Social Networks
Nowadays thirty-seven percent of companies use social networks to research potential job candidates! While it might sound obvious, don’t post anything questionable or if you have, delete it from your history. No employer wants to hire someone holding a beer bong at a party.
Update your social network profiles, especially LinkedIn, with your skills, qualifications, and that you’re looking for international work. List the countries you’d like to relocate to.
Contact social groups of recruiting companies, ask questions. For example international, experienced company ClarusApex is open for communication with candidates. Leverage your contacts and networks to see if your coworkers, family and friends know of any international job opportunities. International contacts, particularly in Human Resources.
3. Prepare your Resume or CV
Resumes and CVs are not created equal!
Resumes are most common in North American countries and the like (i.e. Australia, New Zealand, U.K., Hong Kong and Singapore). They are short (only one to two pages) and list your objectives, experience, and qualifications. CVs are common in Europe and are much longer (three to five pages) and tell a story about who you are, your work experience (in chronological order) and qualifications.
4. Find and apply for a job
At our website www.www.clarusapex.com you can see open vacancies all over the world.
Chose the position you like most and apply for it. IMPORTANT: EMPLOYMENT is FREE of charge! Employers provide with competitive salaries, accommodation, meals, air tickets. Submit your resume or CV and cover letter. If you don’t hear back, follow up within 10 days. There’s nothing to lose and it shows initiative.
5. Prepare for the Interview
Chances are your potential employer will schedule a Skype call for the interview. If you’re unfamiliar with Skype, watch their training videos to learn how to manage audio, video and screen.
Before the call…
• Exchange your Skype contact information and interview logistics via email.
• Research the country business etiquette such as appearance, behavior and communication to ensure you don’t embarrass yourself or, worse, the potential employer during the interview.
• Understand the visa requirements to field any questions.
• Have a list of questions ready for the employer regarding the job, country and relocation process.
When it’s time for the interview, have the call in a quiet room, turn your cell to vibrate, and wear professional attire.