A lot of people dream about job abroad, don't they? But not too many of them try to do something to apply for a dream-job. Why? First of all because of their fears and myths about work abroad.

ClarusApex have been placing to a  job different specialists from different countries for more than 7 years. Every day we have to answer your questions, and many of them are not even questions, but doubts, fears and myth about job abroad, especially about Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia. So we offer you TOP-list of most popular fears. ClarusApex team knows how to fight with them!

 1. The fear to be disappointed, to waste your money

Many agencies offer their services as mediators in searching work abroad not free of charge. You have to pay really a lot of money and they don’t give you any guaranties that you will be placed in a job. Don’t be in a hurry! There are many worthy companies, such as ClarusApex, that can employ you for free. Why? Because employers pay us for searching best candidates! So you are welcome to get job without payments!

Of course, in this case, there is a large entry on each vacancy – the employer is looking for an “ideal” candidate and you as the applicant have to do your best to get a job. Good CV, suitable experience, nice appearance, and perfect English skills will help you to achieve your goal! But it is clear – you will not pay any commissions, any taxes for our services.

2. Fear to get into exploitation, slavery…

Applicants are often afraid that their employers abroad can pick up their passport or make you to something you were not intended to. First of all, before starting  relationships with any company that offers  jobs abroad, be sure that it has official license. You can trust only those firms, that have  state registration and really have the authority to employ abroad. Secondly, read the reviews about the company on forums and social networks, if it is possible, contact employed people.

Advantage of ClarusApex is that we keep in touch with all people, that we had placed in a job. In addition, in each country to which we have sent people to work, we have our own coordinator, with whom you can contact in any emergency situation.

3. Fear to work “for free”

Many people are scared to work for ” free ” or to do work that is rather differ from their responsibilities. You can easily avoid this situation – when you are going abroad! Attention, we mean not only contract with company-mediator, you have to sign a contract with a real employer (a foreign company). Read all documents very carefully, before you sign. Make sure that everything is clear for you.

4. Fear of being deported, because you work illegal

There are a lot of horror stories about how illegal short-lived companies send hundreds of people abroad, where they have to work hard – illegal, with guest – visa. Every day they are very scared to be deported. So, looking for work abroad, choose only those firms that offer official employment. For example, ClarusApex cooperates only with reliable top employers abroad. This brand companies provide you with all necessary documents, you can easily open official work visa in the embassy. By the way, you ‘ll be surprised, because your employer will cover costs of a visa .

5. Fear about unknown culture, language barrier

This fear comes from lack of knowledge. So first of all you have to identify your fear and learn all about this issue. Then you are welcome to be afraid 😉 Gather as much information as possible: about the country, the culture, the people, the climate of the country you are going to.

Do not believe those, who may say that you can find a good job abroad without the knowledge of English! Language barrier is very strong factor. Of course, while working abroad soon you will speak English fluently, but for the first time it will be very, very hard without language skills. So learn language in advance! It is possible to improve skills during six months. If you really decided to work abroad, prepare yourself as possible as you can! Then new country and new job certainly will meet your expectations.

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